Creating stronger family bonds by helping busy Dads and Moms win the war on mental, physical and financial stress so they can orchestrate balance back in their lives, connect fully with their kids, and help build the next generation of legacy builders.

It starts with you, but it's not about you . . .

Free life-balance quiz!
This quick, 2-minute quiz will show you exactly how you roll in all seven key areas of life!

Does this sound familiar?

Let me guess . . . you started out with ambitions. Maybe, one day, have that dream career, travel the world, abundant finances, a vibrant body. 

Maybe you even had plans to impact the world! 

Then? Life happened around you. Maybe you started a family and a crisis happened, maybe your career didn't pan out. 

And along the way, maybe . . . you lost sight of the greatness inside of you!  

Now, you're realizing that half your life has passed, and the rut you're stuck in just keeps getting deeper. 

Your dreams have been gone for years. And you find yourself looking in the mirror wondering where the time has gone. 

I know, because I've been there. Struggling to make ends meet. In crisis mode from one moment to the next, not able to prioritize the things that would actually make a change.

Tired of just going through the motions?

If you . . . 

  • have given up on your dreams
  • are at a midpoint in your life, knowing there's more, but not sure of the next step
  • are wishing you could design a life you love
  • are ready to make a difference

You're in the right place!

What others are saying...

I'm SO glad your here!

I'm Joel. I help driven, soul-centered people like you regain confidence, energy and live a vibrant life.

I didn't arrive here easily, though.

After my incredible wife's health took a turn for the worse, I struggled to keep up as a business owner/operator, being a caretaker, and providing for the needs of three incredible children.  

For years, I felt helpless, not knowing how to take the next step. Depression and anxiety were my norm, even though I wouldn't let it show. I knew change had to happen. And time was ticking down.

So, we took a leap of faith in search for greater health and a better way to do life, leaving my thriving business, our support and family, and moved across the country. 

Transitions are hard. But they are necessary for change. And along the way, we found healthier options for life, and a system and a framework for how to balance and grow the areas we all juggle.

As we continue to grow in our purpose, I have made it my life's passion to help others struggling to take that next step. But not just for you . . . for the legacy you leave behind. 

We all leave a legacy. I want yours to be impactful. And that starts with you!

If you are at that point in life where you know you need change, but aren't sure how or what to do, let's work together to make transformation a way of life. For you, and for those you care for.

Let's leave a legacy that matters!

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Ready to start living an intentional life?
Take a free life-balance quiz and see how you roll in each of the seven key areas of life!

© Joel Haasenritter