I Made Something For You... And Your Kids!

I Made Something For You... And Your Kids!
Recently, I have been thinking a lot about our family and kids (our baby girl is a senior this year!). Reflecting back over those "moments that matter". You know... the ones we all want more of.

So I made something for you . . . !


Single Dad Podcast Guest Interview

Single Dad Podcast Guest Interview
I was delighted to be a guest on Joseph's Single Dad Podcast recently! We get into great discussion about the misconceptions of life balance, how the T.H.I.N.K. Method can help guide your next step when you're stuck, and a simple 3-minute assessment to show you where you need to be putting your energy. 

3 Action Steps a Day Equals ... 🫢

3 Action Steps a Day Equals ... 🫢
Today, I want to remind you of the incredible power of taking small daily action steps towards your fitness and life goals. 👣

When Did It Become Okay?!

When Did It Become Okay?!When did it become okay?

Unmask Your Potential this Spooky Season

Unmask Your Potential this Spooky Season
Spooky season is the perfect reminder that sometimes we let our fears hold us back from achieving our goals. It's time to shed the fears that haunt you and embark on a journey towards a life filled with purpose and fulfillment.
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