Releasing 5 Types Of Clutter For A More Peaceful Life

Releasing 5 Types Of Clutter For A More Peaceful Life
When it comes to living a clutter-free life, many think about all the physical things that can trip you up in the middle of the night like the teddy bears, fire trucks, and play toys. Or perhaps it’s a kitchen sink full of dishes that crowd a cooking space at dinner time. 

The truth is that clutter comes in many shapes and sizes and in different areas of your life, such as emotional clutter or time clutter...


Guest Interview with Mona Ostrowski on "The Oola Corner"

Guest Interview with Mona Ostrowski on "The Oola Corner"
Families in transition, finding Oola, and becoming a Certified Oola Life Coach.

Seven Ways to Deepen Your Committed Relationship

Seven Ways to Deepen Your Committed Relationship
It’s a tale as old as time... Two people meet and fall in love! Maybe it was love at first sight. Maybe their love grew over time. But they were destined to live happily ever after. And then… life happened, and little by little they grew apart as the stress of bills and debt, unexpected emergency room visits, and late nights at the office eventually became too much for them to carry. And one more couple became another statistic…

A lifelong relationship takes work. But it is possible to have your happily ever after and a
lifetime of true love, joy, and intimacy if both partners work together. 

Here are seven ways to deepen your committed relationship.

Create The Ripple Podcast, Guest Appearance

Create The Ripple Podcast, Guest Appearance
I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Candice Smiley of Create The Ripple Podcast! Here we introduce the Framework of Oola and discuss how looking at your life through "the lense of Oola" can have a dramatic impact on your entire outlook.

I hope you enjoy!

The Unstuck Podcast, Guest Appearance!

The Unstuck Podcast, Guest Appearance!
What a fun and engaging conversation with LaChelle Wieme, host of The Unstuck Podcast!

We deep dive into the fallacies and realities of life balance in all the seven key areas of life! I hope you enjoy!
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