Brainz Magazine published my article on how to set goals in a way they can be achieved. If you've ever looked back at the year only to realize your "New Year's Resolutions" were stalled 11 months ago, here is a simple guide to doing that differently in 2022.
Do you want a cheat sheet for living an intentional 2022?

Did you know that 92% of goals are never achieved? In this episode of The Oola Spotlight I'm going to give you five reasons why most New Year's Resolutions fail and show you a simple structure to make sure you accomplish your goals in 2022!
I am beyond honored to have been awarded a place among the greatest influential leaders of our time in the Brainz Magazine 500 Global Awards for 2021!
Recipients include such incredible thought leaders, such as Oprah Winfrey, Gary Vaynerchuk, Mel Robbins, and Jim Kwik!
I truly hope that any contribution I can make to bettering someone's life brings us that much closer to changing the world with one word: Oola!

In my last article we looked at seven Blockers that can hold you back from your purpose.
In this article, Seven Ways To Accelerate Your Dreams, I wanted to give you tangible things to cling to that can not only move you past your blockers, but catapult you toward becoming the person you were designed to be.
As we begin the final month of 2021, set an intention to make one or more of these seven Accelerators your mantra for the new year and just see how that shapes your perspective and impacts everyone around you!
And if this resonates with you, share it with someone you care for. Who knows... You just might help them shape their 2022 also!
In this article, Seven Ways To Accelerate Your Dreams, I wanted to give you tangible things to cling to that can not only move you past your blockers, but catapult you toward becoming the person you were designed to be.
As we begin the final month of 2021, set an intention to make one or more of these seven Accelerators your mantra for the new year and just see how that shapes your perspective and impacts everyone around you!
And if this resonates with you, share it with someone you care for. Who knows... You just might help them shape their 2022 also!