Happy December fellow Wayfinders!
To wrap up the year, we're going to talk about two critical areas this month - the "Accelerator", Integrity and the "Blocker", Anger.
Every great leader out there has integrity. You can see this because they make the right decisions for the right reasons, not for personal gain. They are reliable, own up to their mistakes, and act according to their words. Are these traits that you possess?
But integrity is not just about being honorable when dealing with others, but also being honest with yourself. It is seeing value in your emotions and respecting your intuitions. You can understand your true worth and maintain healthy self-esteem. When you have integrity, your thoughts and words are aligned, and your actions reflect your moral principles. It builds your moral compass and ultimately guides you on the right path toward your true Oola life.
We've all heard that integrity is keeping your word when no one else is around. But consider this, integrity is also keeping your word to yourself. And that's a hard one sometimes! This means that if you had decided you were going to get to the gym three times per week, you make sure you get there.
No one else will know that you decided to Netflix binge instead . . . except for YOU! But living in integrity with others starts with living in integrity with yourself.
What are your thoughts about this Oola Accelerator? Is this something you struggle with preserving? Reach out and let me know what you think.
And if you’re interested in learning more about how private 1:1 coaching works, I’d love to set up 30 minutes to talk! Click here to learn more. Or if you'd prefer some self-guided options to living your best life, check out these personalized courses!