Be honest with me, have you started working towards your goals for 2023 yet? I know it’s only the 7th day into the new year, but I want to make sure you have the proper resources and knowledge to help you find success.
A lack of focus is a common Oola Blocker that can prevent you from completing your goals. Even if you are currently motivated and on track, it will inevitably cause trouble at some point along your journey. When you start to lose focus, practice
these three tips:
- Eliminate distractions like turning off your phone
- Reduce multitasking
- Practice mindfulness and meditation
Not establishing a clear game plan can also cause you to lose sight of your aspirations. Without setting small milestones to measure your progress, it is hard to hold yourself accountable and stay on track. So take a moment and reevaluate
your goals for the new year. How can you break your overarching goal into smaller
bite-size pieces? It is easier to stay focused on one task at a time to avoid feeling overwhelmed and losing motivation.
As you work towards your true Oola life, do not put all of your focus on the outcome. Instead, focus on the process as well. Learning and growing along the way will allow you to feel a sense of fulfillment, helping you to stay on track and overcome any obstacle thrown your way.
Is a lack of focus something you struggle with now or have in the past? If so, let me
know how you plan on using the information above to help you overcome this Oola
To living your best life!