Did you know that EVERYONE makes mistakes? (Shocker right? lol).
Yes, even your neighbor, boss, community leaders, and family members make mistakes. It comes with the territory of being HUMAN.
Too often, we think we must be perfect before we reward ourselves. We take ourselves too seriously and lose track of what the human experience is about.
So, how can you begin embracing your human experience?
The key is humility.
For starters, recognize that there is value to be gained from failed experiences. Learn from your mistakes. Not only that but be willing to learn from others.
As you take a step back and learn from your experiences, you’ll start seeing life through a new lens. You’ll begin to see that life isn’t about being perfect — it’s about finding joy through growth.
As a certified Oola Life coach, I can help you learn from your experiences and move forward with a new mindset. Feel free to reach out if you’re interested.